Time:2022/2/11, Friday, 10:00~12:00
Place:Online (Microsoft Teams)
Who:All EE/ CS/ EECS students
Registration:https://forms.gle/QVtj3EzbTYpuX17D7 (Register to get the link to the meeting)
9:40~10:00 Entrance
10:00~10:10 Introduction to the Internship Program 實習計畫說明
Company Introduction
10:10~10:20 eMemory 力旺電子
10:20~10:30 Global Unichip Corporation 創意電子
10:30~10:40 WritePath
10:40~10:50 Texas Instruments 德州儀器
10:50~11:00 Fitipower Integrated Technology Inc. 天鈺科技
11:00~11:10 WISETOP Technology Co., Ltd 喆富創新科技
11:10~11:20 Media Tek 聯發科
11:20~11:30 Amazon
11:30~11:40 Yahoo Taiwan
11:40~11:50 Google Taiwan
11:50~12:00 TSMC 台積電
12:00 ~ Q&A(Further questions can be discussed in the company's chatroom 同學可自由進入各企業的會後聊天室進行自由發問)
▶ more information please click: 「清大電資院暑期實習網站」
Please note: this session will be offered mostly in Chinese, but it is a good chance to get connect with the industry. You are welcome to ask questions. Seize the opportunity!